Anyway, Exactly 1 year ago today I moved into Alloway halls - it was the best of times, it was the worst of times. brb food. I just put some toast on, by the end of this post, I'll probably have eaten it. Though Toast does remind me of Alloway, Me and Gary used to always eat Toast - it's just one of the ways we bonded. And of course there's Simmo, the Flat 8er who's most likely to be reading this (Hi Simmo). Grant (Persh) might read it, though that may be a long shot, He wasn't there last night in the union when we were all rocking out to Journey so I'm going to post a picture of him naked onto the internet
What a guy - hung like a horse.
Simmo wasn't there last night but I don't have any pictures of him naked, I think I was the only person who wasn't there when he was all naked and stuff.
How could a post about flat8... or about anything not mention the notorious DTI. Danny was purely Terryiffic (his surname was Terry - still, it's a pretty Terryble pun). When you watch the Matrix with Danny, you don't just finnish there, you go back the next day and watch The Matrix Reloded - Then the Beverly Hills Cop Trillogy - Then the Matrix Revolutions (we couldn't go straight from Reloaded to Reveloutions because Gary Was borrowing it so Beverly HIlls Cop 1,2 and 3 kept us going until he got up for work.
To describe Alloway in one word, I'd have to say "Braw". Fife volcabuary courtesy of Mr William O'neil - The man, the myth, the goal-keeper. he once made the mistake of leaving his bedroom door open and going away for the weekend...
We just happened to have few cups lying around...
The cups idea actually belonged to the oldest member of Flat 8; Stephan (I forgot your Middle name) Mcginley (I think that's how it's spelled). Known worldwide for his big Tattoo and his half hour wanks, Stephan is the kind of guy I can talk about doing things with 'Nazi German bints' with for hours.
Last but certainly not least - Lee 'the python' Malcolm. He knows who Mr Boom is and so do I. In a way we're kindred spirits - though I think we all know that Lee's only going to have one true love...
(Gordon, not the sheep)
This day, September 14th shall forever be known as international 'Flat 8' day. Rejoyce!
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